Transformational life coach, public speaker and author Daniel Mangena is creator of the “Beyond Intention” paradigm and ambassador for The Mangena Foundation.

Passionate about calling people to take deliberate action in pursuit of a joyful life of purpose, Daniel carries the message to “Dream With Your Eyes Open” around the globe as a regular contributor on and also as host of the “Do it with Dan” podcast series (available on most major podcast platforms).

Daniel’s Mission Statement and further information on how to connect with him across social media can be found at and using the social media handle @DreamerCEO


Daniel Mangena – PREMIUM Member of PRESENTER.WORLD Experts

Dan is also one of the PREMIUM members of our PRESENTER.WORLD Experts Global Network of Presentation & Speaking Experts.
You can find his profile on


How to contact Daniel Mangena

Overview of all the Channels that you can contact Daniel on:


Daniel Mangena – Empowering transformation through the power of choice


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